Accurate Rod and Reel CombosAccurate SR-30 Twinspin Reel - St. Croix 12ft Avid Spin Rod Surf ComboArdent Fishouflage Spinning CombosAbu Garcia Rod and Reel CombosAvet Reel / Lamiglas Rod CombosDaiwa Rod and Reel CombosDaiwa SALTIGA8000DF Saltiga Reel - Century 13ft Sling Shot Spin Rod Surf ComboFin-Nor Rod and Reel CombosFin-Nor LT100 Lethal Reel - Tsunami Trophy Rod Surf Fishing ComboFin-Nor LT100 Lethal Spin Reel - Shimano 11ft Tiralejo Spin Rod Surf ComboLew's Rod and Reel CombosMaster Fishing RodsMitchell CombosOkuma Saltwater Rod and Reel CombosPenn Rod & Penn Reel CombosPenn / Sea Striker Billfisher CombosPflueger CombosQuantum Saltwater Rod & Reel CombosQuantum Cabo CSP100PTSE - St. Croix 12ft Avid Spin Rod Surf ComboQuantum Cabo CSP100PTSE - Penn Prevail 12ft Surf Rod Surf Fishing ComboStar Rod Reel CombosSea Striker Rod & Reel CombosShakespeare CombosShimano Rod and Reel CombosShimano / Tsunami Fishing CombosShimano Baitrunner Sea Striker Beach Runner Surf Spin CombosShimano Tekota / Star Delux Rods Wire Line CombosShimano Reel and Ande Rod CombosShimano STL20000SWBPG Stella - Century 13ft Sling Shot Spin Rod Surf ComboTsunami Trophy TSTBC-661HW / Penn 113H2SP Special Senator Cast ComboVan Staal - St. Croix Fishing CombosZebco CombosWhite Marlin Fishing PackagesVan Staal VM275/VJS70-500 Spinning Jig ComboPenn Fierce Spinning CombosAvet Crowder Sailfish CombosTackleDirect Saltwater Fishing CombosTsunami Shield Spinning CombosTsunami Armr CombosBerkley Saltwater CombosTony Maja Custom/Shimano Tekota 800 Bunker Spoon Trolling ComboOcean Tackle International Rod/Daiwa Reel CombosSt. Croix Sole Saltwater Spinning Combos
Home > Saltwater Fishing Tackle
Saltwater Fishing Rods, Reels, Lures, Lines & Tackle

Whether you are sight-fishing inshore for spooky redfish and bonefish or trolling offshore for hard-striking billfish, saltwater fishing can take a toll on your tackle. The superior strength of saltwater species combined with saltwater's high corrosive effects means you need the best fishing tackle you can afford for continuous success. At TackleDirect, we carry saltwater fishing rods, reels, lures, lines and tackle that will stand up to the blazing sun, stormy seas and the natural aggressiveness of the denizens of the deep. Browse the saltwater tackle pages at TackleDirect or use our search box to look for specific products. You'll find all the saltwater fishing tackle you need, whether you're surf fishing or looking for inshore, nearshore or offshore fishing gear.
If you're just getting your feet wet in saltwater fishing, our rod-and-reel combos are a good way to go. These combinations provide you perfectly matched equipment so you don't have to worry about selecting an incorrectly balanced rig. A saltwater combo reel is usually aimed towards a specific technique or location so you can already have a head start. They come from premium manufacturers like Daiwa, Penn, Shimano and many more.
If you have more experience or a favorite brand, we offer individual choices in rods and reels from dozens of the industry's best fishing rod and fishing reel makers. Combine all these brands with the different sizes and styles available for surf casting, trolling, bottom fishing and just about any other type of saltwater angling you can imagine. With more than 50,000 products in stock, we have a selection that could be mind-boggling for some. No worries - our expert staff is on hand to answer any of your questions. Whether you need deep sea fishing gear or tackle for catching redfish from the dock, our assistance is just a toll-free telephone call or email away.
Of course, the perfect cast and retrieve doesn't matter if there isn't anything attracting fish to your line. Our lures can catch you anything from feisty little snapper blues to grander blue marlin. Pick from an incredible selection of plugs, spoons and trolling lures. You'll find offerings from major manufacturers like Yo-Zuri, DOA, Berkley, Megabass and Iland Lures. You'll even discover some wooden lures and custom-made artificial baits here.
We also have all the equipment you need to attach these lures. This includes snaps and swivels as well as wire leaders to keep toothy predators like bluefish and sharks from severing your line. You can also find just about any type of quality saltwater hook or weight you need here too, as well as quality fishing lines that will stand up to the sun, salt and very tough fighting fish. Seaguar, Sufix and Momoi are just a few of your fishing line brand options. You can find flexible monofilament, low-visibility fluorocarbon or tough-as-nails braided line treat to resist saltwater corrosion.
Shop online at TackleDirect for all your saltwater fishing gear needs. We ship worldwide and have a full satisfaction guarantee on every order. Select a category below to start your search for dream fishing tackle.
13 Fishing ReelsAbu Garcia ReelsAccurate ReelsAlutecnos Albacore ReelsAtlas ReelsAvet Reels: Saltwater Fishing ReelsBlue Marlin Fishing ReelsCheeky Fishing Cydro Spinning ReelsDaiwa ReelsElec-Tra-Mate - Electric Fishing Reel SystemsEverol ReelsFin-Nor ReelsHooker Electric ReelsKristal Fishing Electric ReelsLew's Saltwater ReelsLindgren-Pitman Reels and AccessoriesMaxel ReelsOkuma Fishing ReelsPenn ReelsPflueger ReelsQualia ReelsQuantum ReelsSea Striker ReelsSeigler ReelsShimano Fishing ReelsStar Rods ReelsTica ReelsTsunami Saltwater ReelsVan Staal Spinning ReelsZeeBaaS Spinning ReelsFlorida Fishing Products Osprey Spinning ReelsFlorida Fishing Products ReelsVisser Spinning ReelsGomexus Reel PartsIRT ReelsBanax Electric ReelsJigging World Reels
13 Fishing Saltwater RodsAccurate RodsAlutecnos RodsANDE RodsBerkley Saltwater RodsBlack Bart Blue Water Pro Series RodsBlackfin Saltwater Fishing RodsBlack Hole RodsCarrot Stix Saltwater RodsCentaur Anglers Choice Saltwater RodsCentury Saltwater Fishing RodsCousins Tackle Saltwater RodsCrowder RodsDaiwa Saltwater RodsFalcon Saltwater RodsFenwick Saltwater RodsFitzgerald Saltwater Fishing RodsFox Sport Fishing RodsFin-Nor RodsG-Loomis Saltwater RodsKistler Saltwater Fishing RodsLamiglas Saltwater RodsLew's Mach Speed Stick RodsJigging World RodsMajor Craft Saltwater RodsMaxel Fishing RodsMegabass Saltwater Fishing RodsNomad Design RodsOcean Tackle International RodsODM RodsOkuma Saltwater Fishing RodsPenn Saltwater RodsPhenix Saltwater Fishing RodsPinnacle Fishing RodsQuantum Fishing RodsRH Composites RodsRH Custom RodsRogue Saltwater RodsSt. Croix Saltwater Fishing RodsSavage Gear Saltwater RodsSea Striker Saltwater RodsSeeker Fishing RodsShakespeare Saltwater Fishing RodsShimano Saltwater Fishing RodsStar RodsTackleDirect Saltwater RodsTemple Fork Outfitters Fishing RodsTemple Reef Saltwater RodsTica RodsToadfish Saltwater RodsTony Maja RodsTsunami RodsVan Staal Jig RodsWright & McGill RodsAhi RSB-800 Sabiki Stick Bait Catcher RodUgly Stik Saltwater RodsBull Bay RodsiBig Seagrass Series RodsCastAway Rods Saltwater RodsCashion Saltwater RodsSpathe Rods
247 Lures9er's LuresAcme LuresAl Gag's Custom LuresAl Lemire Wooden Fishing LuresAhi USA LuresAndrus LuresA.O.K. Tackle CompanyAqua-Clear TackleAtom LuresBahama LuresBaker Saltwater LuresBass Assassin Lures and SpraysBass Kandy BKD6 Delights LureBaitCloud Saltwater Fish AttractantsBerkley Gulp! Soft BaitsBerkley Powerbait Soft BaitsBerkley Fusion19 BucktailsBig Tuna TeasersBill Lewis LuresBioEdge Fishing ProductsBlack Bart LuresBlue Water Candy LuresBomber LuresBoone Bait Company Fishing Lures & TeasersBottom Sweeper JigsBraid LuresBuccaneer Jigs and RigsC&H LuresCanyon Gear LuresCalcutta Flashfoil Swim ShadsChasebaits LuresClarkspoon LuresCreek Chub LuresCoalition Bait Co. BaitsCotton Cordell Red Fin LureCouchs Cedar Works LuresDaddy Mac LuresDaiwa LuresDeadly Dick LuresDOA LuresDockside Bait and Tackle Soft BaitsEgret BaitsFat Cow FishingEngage Twitshad LureFathom Offshore LuresFelmlee LuresFishbitesFIN-Essence Liquid Fish AttractantFish Bomb Fish AttractantCapt. Joe Shute's Fish Finder TackleFishLab Saltwater LuresFish Razr Flapz, Dredges and TeasersFish DownSea LuresFrenzy TackleGag's GrabbersGambler LuresGator LuresGibbs LuresGot Stryper Soft Plastic BaitsGT LuresGuides Choice Secret PlugsGuppy LuresHalco LuresHeddon LuresHi-Seas LuresHogy LuresHooked On BucktailsHookup LuresHopkins LuresHydro Glow Fish LightsHyperlastics LuresIland Lures Tournament Tackleima LuresInshore Custom TackleJAW LuresJetty Ghost TackleJigging World LuresJimyJigs LuresKalin's LuresKoya LuresKrazy Bait SaltsL. B. Huntington Drone SpoonsLaceration LuresLine Stretcher LuresLIVETARGET Saltwater LuresLivingston LuresLucky Craft Saltwater LuresLuhr Jensen LuresLunker City LuresLunkerhunt Bento BaitsMadd MantisMagBay LuresMagicTail Bucktails, Jigs & Trolling LuresMajor Craft Saltwater LuresMann's BaitsMarathon RigsMarlin Magic Trolling HeadsMarlinstar LuresMarlin MudflapMegabass Saltwater LuresMegabait JigsM&M LuresMold Craft LuresMirrOlure LuresMission Fishin Lure Co.Mustad Jigs & LuresNiiyama LuresNomad Design LuresNorthbar Tackle LuresNortheast Jig Co. LuresOB Fish Company Chopper LuresOcean Born LuresOcean Tackle International LuresODM LuresOffshore Custom TackleOtter Lure and Tackle Tail BaitsPakula LuresPaul Brown LuresPlay Action Lures & TeasersPoint Jude LuresPro-Cure Bait ScentsRapala LuresReliable SpoonsRoberts LuresRonZ Lures - Engineered Soft BaitsRunoff LuresSavage Gear Saltwater LuresSea Falcon LuresSea StrikerSebile LuresSlick Fish LuresShimano Jigs and LuresSpoolTek LuresSportfish ProductsSPRO Fishing LuresSquidnation LuresS & S BucktailsStorm LuresStillwater LuresSting-O Fish LuresStrike Point TackleSuper Strike LuresTackle Crafters LuresTackleDirect Saltwater Fishing KitsTactical Anglers SMART LURES & Power ClipsTady LuresThundermist LuresTony Maja Bunker Spoons & AccessoriesTormenter LuresTournament CableTrailblazer Trolling LuresTsunami Saltwater LuresUncle Josh Baits and LuresVMC JigsWestin LuresWilliamson LuresYo-Zuri LuresZing Fishing TackleZuker LuresZ-Man Saltwater/Offshore LuresZombait Robotic LuresBerkley Choppo Saltwater LureLegend Popping Corks LuresXorus LuresIntent Tackle LuresSterling Tackle Spreader Bars & LuresBass Kandy Delights Boss BKDBerkley Cane Walker SaltwaterBerkley HighJacker SaltwaterBerkley J-Walker SaltwaterJYG Profishing LuresWolfPack Tackle LuresNo Live Bait Needed (NLBN) Lures & Terminal TackleBerkley Stick Shadd Saltwater
Accurate Fishing LineAftco Fishing Line & LeaderAmerican Fishing WireAnde MonofilamentArdent Fishing LineBerkley Fishing LinePlay Action/Braid Line Leaders & RigsCajun LineCortland Fishing LineDaiwa Braided Lines & FluorocarbonDiamond BraidFlorida Fishing Products Line and FluorocarbonFINS Braided Fishing LinesGamma Performance LinesHi-Seas Fishing LineJerry Brown - Line One Braided SpectraJINKAI MonofilamentLindgren-Pitman Fishing LineMakai Fishing LinesMalin Leader, Trolling & Rigging WireMomoi Fishing LinesPlatypus Fishing LinesPowerPro Fishing LineSeaguar Fishing Line & LeaderSea Striker Leader AccessoriesShimano Leader and Leader DispensersStren Fishing LineSufix Fishing LineSpiderwire Fishing LinesThundermist Fishing LineTony Maja Trolling Braid & Trolling WireTrik Fish Fishing LineTriple Fish LineTsunami Fluorocarbon LeaderTUF-LINE - Western FilamentVicious Salt Braid & Fluorocarbon LeadersYo-Zuri Fishing LineVicious Fishing LineP-Line Floroclear Fluorocarbon Coated Mono LineNomad Design Fishing LineThree Buoys LeadersIzorline Fishing Line & LeaderTsunami Fishing Line & Leader
Addya Saltwater HooksAmerican Fishing Wire Terminal TackleAtom Trolling SinkersBead Chain Cast/Troll SinkersBillfisher Terminal TackleBlack Bart LuresBlue Water Candy Terminal TackleC&H Terminal TackleDaiichi HooksDiamond Fishing ProductsEagle Claw HooksFathom Offshore TackleFin Strike Terminal TackleGamakatsu Saltwater HooksGambler Terminal TackleHayabusa HooksHi-Seas Rigging AccessoriesJoebaggs TackleL. B. Huntington Drone PlanersL.B. Huntington Drone Spoon Replacement HooksLindgren Pitman HooksLunker City HooksMakai Terminal TackleMomoi Terminal TackleMustad Hooks & Terminal TackleOcean Tackle International Terminal TackleOffshore Custom TackleOwner Cutting Point HooksQuick Rig Hooks & Terminal TackleR&R Tackle Terminal TackleRedi Rig Release Floats and Inline ReleasersSampo Swivels and SnapsSea Striker Swivels and Rigging KitsSportfish Terminal TackleSPRO SwivelsTackleDirect Terminal TackleTactical Anglers Power ClipsThundermist Terminal TackleTony Maja Hooks and Bead SwivelsTournament CableTsunami Terminal TackleTurner Tackle Terminal TackleVMC Saltwater Terminal TackleWorld Record Striper CompanyZwing DownriggersCentaur Anglers Choice Hooks & Terminal TackleBKK Hooks & Terminal TackleJigging World Hooks & Terminal TackleFuji Hook KeeperJYG Profishing Hooks & Terminal Tackle