Breaking Blackfish
It's January in New Jersey. Average temperatures dance around the point of freezing, prompting many boat owners to remove vessels from their slips. Few captains fish beyond the winter solstice and many are not willing to face the elements to fish. Nick knows a captain just hardcore enough to get to this wintry prize.

Fluke of the Solar Eclipse
It's mid-August in South Jersey and summer is alive. The saltwater lifestyle is in full effect for anglers and tourists alike to enjoy the spoils of a beach life. This day, the air is filled with anticipation of hitting the reef sites to target fluke during a wild, solar eclipse, the first seen in 100 years.

The Fall Run of Striped Bass
It's November in New Jersey, the time every waterman lives for. With the flick of a switch the warm summer nights become chilly autumn mornings, and with the season the fall run of Atlantic Striped Bass is on its way.

Autumn Albacore
As water temps dip into the high 50's, the autumn sea is lit with sand eel and rainfish schools inundating Jersey's waters, all creating the perfect storm to attract lightning quick false albacore to the area. High-speed, fast and furious action as albies blow up bait schools, burn drags and give Nick a real run for the money.