Bajio SunglassesBuff Headwear and AccessoriesCablz Eyeglass RetainersCoghlans 0160 No-See-Um HeadnetCosta SunglassesDragon SunglassesFisherman Eyewear SunglassesHides Sunglass SkinsHoo-Rag BandanasKaenon PolarizedMaui Jim SunglassesNative SunglassesOakley SunglassesOld Harbor Outfitters Polarized Fishing SunglassesPelagic SPF SunshieldPelagic SunglassesSailor's SecretSalt Life SunglassesSalt Life Sun AccessoriesSmartShield SunScreen ProtectionSimms Colorless Angler Sunscreen Lip BalmSmith Sport Optics SunglassesSun Bum Sun CareUltraThon Insect RepellentVuarnet SunglassesStrike King S11 Optics SunglassesCroakies Eyeglass RetainersCalcutta Discover Series SunglassesWiley X SunglassesNatrapel Insect RepellentBen's Insect RepellentFin-Nor Sunglasses
Home > Sportswear & Outdoor Gear
Fishing Sportswear, Apparel & Outdoor Gear

Whether you're a serious angler or just a casual fisherman, you know that fishing will take you out in all kinds of weather. You have to prepare for the unexpected. Even the brightest, sunniest day can quickly turn soggy when an unexpected squall blows in.
No worries. At TackleDirect, we have the fishing sportswear, apparel and outdoor gear that will keep you comfortable in fair or foul weather.
We carry outdoor apparel from leading names in the industry such as AFTCO, Huk, Grundens, Stormr, and dozens more. Our collection of fishing apparel runs the gamut. From T-shirts and belts suitable for wearing around town or on a boat to foul-weather gear designed to keep you dry in the harshest conditions, you'll get to pick from the best there is — quality threads that look great and won't let you down.
Some of our clothing includes SPF protection. These clothes help keep you cool and comfortable while guarding your skin against the sun's harmful ultraviolet rays. We also stock many types of hats and caps to keep the sun off your face as well as a full lineup of quality sunglasses. Besides protecting your eyes from the sun and helping protect against cataracts and other eye problems, these polarized shades will also help you see underwater so you can spot the fish you hope to sight-cast to.
In addition, TackleDirect carries a huge assortment of waders, hip boots, deck shoes and fishing footwear to give you a surefooted grip whether you're fishing from a boat, in the surf or on a river. Just a few of the manufacturers of these sturdy shoes in our stable are leading names like Caddis, Compass360, and Simms.
Whether you're traveling for an exotic fishing trip on the other side of the world or just need a bag to carry your gear on your boat or in your vehicle, we carry lots of fishing bags and luggage designed specifically with the angler in mind. These include plenty of pockets and compartments to keep you well organized wherever you are. TackleDirect also offers a variety of sportsmen's watches that do a lot more than just tell time. Many of these timepieces are available with GPS as well as special features such as tidal information, countdown timers and much more.
Caddis WadersGear Aid Aquaseal 10110 Wader Repair AdhesiveGill Footwear/BootsGuy Cotten Drempro BibsHodgman Waders & BootsKorkers Boots and CleatsMarlin Deck BootsMuck BootsSimms Waders & Wading BootsShimano Fishing Boots and SandalsShimano Dryfender Bibbed OverallsWilliam Joseph Waders and BootsXtratuf FootwearShimano Evair Rubber Boots -12inGear Aid Aquaseal Seam Grip - 1 oz.Calcutta WadersRDI Footwear
Boone Dry Pack Roll Top Dry BagsFishpond Fishing GearGill Race Team Dry BagsGrundens Gage Waterproof Gear BagsGuy Cotten BagsOld Harbor Outfitters BagsPelagic BagsPelican CasesShimano Bags & BindersSimms Luggage and BagsStriker ICE Fishing Cases and AccessoriesWilliam Joseph Fishing PacksWilliam Joseph Waterproof BagsYETI Panga Duffel BagOrvis Bags and Cases
13 Fishing ApparelAccurate ApparelAlphaCool Cooling TowelsAftco Performance SportswearAbel ApparelActionHeat ApparelAquaSkinz Waterproof TopsAVID Sportswear ApparelBig Bass Dreams Apparel and AccessoriesBlacktipH Classic Snapback HatBlack Bart ApparelBlackTipH ApparelBluefin USA ApparelBN3TH ApparelBogy Marine Art T-ShirtsBubba Apparel and AccessoriesBuff Headwear and AccessoriesCalcutta ClothingCape Fear SportswearCheeky Fly Fishing ApparelChota Outdoor GearColumbia SportswearCompass360 ApparelCosta Del Mar ApparelCTS Logo HatCuda Apparel and AccessoriesDavid Dunleavy Deco ApparelDaiwa ApparelDeep Ocean ApparelDobyns Rods ClothingEGO ClothingExOfficio Outdoor and Travel ClothingFlorida Fishing Products Logo Trucker HatFishworks Proven ProductsFish Circus Merchandise, T-Shirts, Apparel & GearFish Mavericks Merchandise, Apparel, & GearFishpond ApparelFish Monkey GlovesFITS SocksFlipRocks FootwearFrogg ToggsGlacier GloveG-Loomis ClothingGill ClothingGillz ApparelGrundens Foul Weather GearGuy Cotten Commercial Fishing GearGuy HarveyHelly Hansen ApparelHemlock HatsHeybo ApparelHodgman OuterwearHoo-Rag BandanasHotHands Hand, Foot and Body WarmersHuk Performance Fishing Apparel and AccessoriesiBig Fishing ApparelJarrett Bay ClothingJB Langley Apparel and GearJetty ApparelKast Gear Apparel and AccessoriesMadrone Technical HeadwearMegabass ApparelMarlinstar ApparelMaxel Mesh Back HatMobile Warming GearMojo Sportswear Apparel and AccessoriesMontauk Tackle Company ClothingMuck BootsMustang Flotation ClothingNative Outfitters ApparelOcean Tackle International ApparelOld Harbor OutfittersOluKai Footwear13 Fishing More Than Luck Logo T-Shirt13 Fishing The Square HatOrvis ApparelOutdoor Cap TUN-014 Tuna Hat - KhakiPelagic Offshore Apparel and Casual WearPenn ApparelRailRiders ClothesRogue Offshore ClothingSalt Life Clothing & AccessoriesSalty Crew ClothingSt Croix Apparel and CapsShimano ApparelSimms Clothing & AccessoriesSoftScience FootwearSperry Top-Sider Boat ShoesSteelfin ApparelStormr Outdoor ApparelStriker ICE Technical ApparelTackleDirect Clothing and AccessoriesTackleDirect Free Fly TackleDirect Logo Bamboo Tech LS ShirtsTactical Anglers ApparelTormenter Tackle ApparelThermaCELL Heated ProductsTruth Reels ApparelUnder Armour ApparelVan Staal ApparelXtratuf HatsYETI Apparel and GearZep-Pro Belts, Accessories, and FootwearMustad ApparelNomad Design Casting GlovesWiley X ApparelWonder Grip GlovesBKK ApparelThe Bass University Apparel