Anchors, Lines and Docking Aids & Accessories

Many boaters look at anchors as a convenience. Not as many realize that anchors can also be an important safety device that no boat should be without. At TackleDirect, we carry a variety of anchors, lines and docking aids and accessories that will enhance your fun on the water while also helping to protect your life and property.
Anchors are a great way to keep your boat stationary, whether you want to stay over a school of fish or just need to set up a stationary platform for diving or playing in the water. But anchors can also become a useful safety device in the event of an engine malfunction or other emergency. A good anchor will hold you and your boat in place until help arrives. You won't drift off uncontrolled and at the mercy of currents, winds and tides.
At TackleDirect, we carry a variety of anchors and anchor lines to keep you in place. These include wreck anchors specially designed to hold you on wrecks and other bottom structure as well as anchor kits that include everything you need - anchor, anchor rode and a bucket to hold them safely and securely - to hold bottom.
We also carry plenty of accessories to make anchoring easier. These include deck-mounted anchor locks and rollers as well as tough, three-strand nylon anchor line to keep your boat in place.
If you berth your boat at a dock, we have plenty of supplies to assist you in docking as well as making your dock space better. Our boat hooks will make it easier for you and your crew to retrieve lines while backing into your slip. We also have fenders and buoys to protect your boat against rubbing as well as dock lines to keep your boat securely tied up.
If you own your dock, we give you additional ways to protect your property. Just a few of the supplies we carry include piling caps in assorted sizes and colors as well as dock edge bumpers and protectors.