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Shimano Coltsniper Lures

Shimano Coltsniper Lures utilize Shimano's unique Propulsion Weight Transfer System for incredible long distance casting, allowing the internal weight to slide back during the cast, and then spring forward when the lure hits the water.In addition to casting up to 22-percent longer than similar length and weight lures, Shimano Coltsnipers feature chemically sharpened treble hooks at mid-body and the tail. Shimano Coltsniper Lures are ideal for the pursuit of powerful and aggressive gamefish.
Shimano OT110QEPC Coltsniper Walk110F Hi-Pitch Lure - Purple ChartShimano OT110QEBW Coltsniper Walk110F Hi-Pitch Lure - Bone WhiteShimano OT110QEPS Coltsniper Walk110F Hi-Pitch Lure - Pink SilverShimano OT110QERB Coltsniper Walk110F Hi-Pitch Lure - Root BeerShimano OT110QEGC Coltsniper Walk110F Hi-Pitch Lure - Gold ChartreuseShimano OT110QEGL Coltsniper Walk110F Hi-Pitch Lure - Glow ChartreuseShimano OT110QEGR Coltsniper Walk110F Hi-Pitch Lure - Green ChartreuseShimano OT110QERW Coltsniper Walk110F Hi-Pitch Lure - Red White
Shimano OT111QEBS Coltsniper Walk110F Silent Lure - Blue SardineShimano OT111QEBW Coltsniper Walk110F Silent Lure - Bone WhiteShimano OT111QEGM Coltsniper Walk110F Silent Lure - Green MackerelShimano OT111QETC Coltsniper Walk110F Silent Lure - Trans ChartreuseShimano OT111QETP Coltsniper Walk110F Silent Lure - Trans Purple ChartShimano OT111QETR Coltsniper Walk110F Silent Lure - Trans Red WhiteShimano OT111QEWB Coltsniper Walk110F Silent Lure - White BaitShimano OT111QESS Coltsniper Walk110F Silent Lure - Silver Shad
Shimano Coltsniper Splash Walk - 7-1/4in - Black BackShimano Coltsniper Splash Walk - 7-1/4in - BunkerShimano Coltsniper Splash Walk - 7-1/4in - Blue SardineShimano Coltsniper Splash Walk - 7-1/4in - Bone WhiteShimano Coltsniper Splash Walk - 7-1/4in - Green MackerelShimano Coltsniper Splash Walk - 7-1/4in - Squid