G-Loomis GL Series Steelhead Casting Rods

We believe the two most important factors in a steelhead rod are line control and SENSITIVITY. That's two reasons why we build our Steelhead Rods in such a wide variety of lengths and power ratings. No matter where you fish or which technique you choose, there's a steelhead rod that offers you maximum CONTROL. If you fish small coastal streams, you can get by with a shorter rod. If, on the other hand, you frequent big, wide rivers, longer rods are definitely the way to go (for a variety of reasons, including optimum line angle, river drag and sensitivity). As for sensitivity, it doesn't matter whether you plunk, drift-fish from shore, or use a boat: knowing what's going on at the end of your line is absolutely crucial for successful steelheading. These fish may be big, but for the most part their bite is incredibly subtle. That's why we DESIGN these rods with a fairly soft tip and the most sensitive materials possible. Select the rod that matches your angling situation and be sure to give careful consideration to the different levels of graphite performance available.