Price: $16.95
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Master fisherman's techniques for catching monster striped bass. Covers topics as tackle & techniques tailored to larger fish, & rods, reels, baits, & lures.
30 B&W photos; 6x9 inches, 192 pgs.
$16.95 USD
A technical examination of what goes into the development, location, management, methods, conditions, mind and even luck as they play into the mix of contemporary striper fishing issues. This is an anecdotal accumulation of fascinating experiences that could only come from a fertile mind spawned from half a century of striper fishing. Moreover, it is historical, humorous, sensitive and ever striperphobic, while it predicts monster linesides the likes of which few living memories have ever experienced. The 52 pictures -- mostly bigger bass than any we've ever seen- will have most breathing heavy while Daignault's cult following will express no surprise. Jerry Gibbs, Fishing Editor of Outdoor Life, calls The Trophy Striper "the single best strategy for dealing with the new wave of stripers by a master who lived through the old glory days of monsters."
5 Stars based on 2 reviews
By Jon
New Gloucester Maine
Good read
February 1, 2018
I really enjoyed reading this book. Had a lot of information in it.
  • Information!
  • Wish the pictures were color
By lee
New York, NY
it's not winter yet, but cabin fever is around the corner.
November 12, 2017
Really nice read and will get your blood flowing for the start of the next season. Highly recommended.

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