Spro Bronzeye Spit Shad 60 - Spooky Shad

Spro Bronzeye Spit Shad 60 - Spooky Shad

by Spro
Price: $9.89
TD Code
60mm1/2ozGamakatsu 4/0 Superline EWG Double HookSpooky Shad$9.89 USD
The Spro Bronzeye Spit Shad in Spooky Shad was made by Dean Rojas an Elite Series veteran and frog-fishing expert. This bronzeye lure imitates a shad by walking, spitting and gliding actions. This lure is best for fishing heavy cover as well as provides great topwater actions. The long rubber legs on this lure can be trimmed to adjust the action.

  • Gamakatsu 4/0 Superline EWG Double Hook
  • Slips over cover easily
  • Detailed baitfish pattern
5 Stars based on 3 reviews
By Randy R.
Chester, MD
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August 6, 2021
Spits, chugs, and walks easily!
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June 14, 2020
Best walking frog type bait Ive used!
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