Silver Stag Tool Steel Series Knives

The 1095 Tool Steel is often referred to as “cutlery spring steel”, and is well known for its use in manufacturing commercial saw blades. Between the turn of the century through World War II, this High Carbon Tool Steel was commonly used by custom knife makers (and armatures alike), because the steel was easily obtainable, (rail road spikes, car springs, saw blades). Your Grandpa probably had a knife made from 1095 High Carbon Tool Steel. This high carbon tool steel hones to a razor sharp edge (better than any stainless steel), retains its edge (better than most stainless steels), and easier to sharpen, (compared to stainless steel). We heat treat our blades in a salt batch to a 58 Rockwell Hardness. Please note this steel will discolor over time and is susceptible to rust/corrosion. We recommend keeping the blade oiled on a regular basis, but discoloration and/or rust will not affect the blade performance. Every style features deer or elk antler and each knife is accompanied with a handmade laced western style sheath.