Shop Stanford Baits

Shop Stanford Baits
Add Stanford Baits to your tackle box and make the smart choice in modern fishing lures. Founder Dieter Stanford has been designing and manufacturing wooden lures for nearly three decades. But it was a revolutionary new jig that led to the creation of Stanford Baits. The patent-pending bladed jig design flashes like a spinnerbait and reduces the risk of it hanging up in weeds and trees.You'll find the ''Missing Link'' to your fishing success when you order Stanford Baits from TackleDirect. These jigs have a flawless swimming presentation and feature a VMC flipping hook to get a firm grip on your catch. Stanford Baits has also partnered with top bass-fishing pros to offer an expanding line of soft baits such as the Boom Boom Frog. Drop the hammer on your baits with the help of our knowledgeable staff anglers.