Shop Marsh Tacky

Shop Marsh Tacky
Land a giant score with Marsh Tacky Carbon fishing gear that is larger than life. The company is named after the small horse breed that once dominated the landscape of its South Carolina home. And like the horse, Marsh Tacky fishing tackle always outperforms its size. The smaller, lighter horse was perfect for navigating tough areas just like this equipment will do on the water.Order Marsh Tacky carbon fiber gaffs and harpoons from TackleDirect that does its land-based ancestor proud. This light-but-strong material makes their single-grip and double-grip fishing gaffs the way to land dolphin, grouper, king mackerel and other big game. With a corrosion-resistant cockpit dart harpoon, you can secure your prey before it knows what's coming. Whether you're chasing the Great White Whale or a yellowfin tuna, you can count on our extensive knowledge and unmatched product selection.