Shop Hyperlastics

Shop Hyperlastics
You would expect lures made by a tackle company called A Band of Anglers to be unique. And you would be right.Band of Anglers Hyperlastics fishing lures feature an unusual design we have never seen before. That means they have probably never been seen before by the fish you're after either. Jaded fish who will turn up their noses at traditional offerings pulled past them will clamp down on these strange offerings with savage strikes.
Hyperlastics' Dartspin lures combine the natural look and action of soft plastics with the fish-enticing vibrations of a spinner blade. Made of a proprietary Softough plastic that's soft and pliable but durable, these lures feature a minnow-shaped body that delivers an attractive swimming action in the water. A wriggling tail adds to this lure's irresistible action. A willow blade embedded in the tail emits fish-attracting flash and vibrations that will draw predators in for a closer look.
These lures may be fished on a jig head or hook. They can catch a variety of freshwater and saltwater species, including largemouth bass, pike, striped bass, redfish and snook. Tie one on today and show your quarry something new.