Shop Caviness Woodworking Paddles & Oars

Shop Caviness Woodworking Paddles & Oars
During nearly 70 years and four generations, Caviness Woodworking Co. has grown from a small furniture and paddle operation into the world's largest manufacturer of oars and paddles for canoes, kayaks, rafts and other watercraft. Both their wooden and synthetic boat paddles are crafted to provide quality performance at a low cost. The company is still family-run and continues to come up with new processes that benefit outdoorsmen.If you have a self-propelled watercraft, TackleDirect has a Caviness product for you. Their varnished basswood oars continue to be the most effective for distributing loads, while laminated paddles are an economical alternative. Their synthetic oars and paddles offer modern comfort and durability for traditional users. Row your boat gently or like a swirling dervish around the world with our fast shipping!