Shop BioEdge Fishing Attractants & Baits

Shop BioEdge Fishing Attractants & Baits
It's easy to attract more fish to your lures when they're following the smell of BioEdge fishing scents. This company, based in a small Maine town, is becoming a national powerhouse with its highly effective fish attractants. BioEdge Fishing Products uses oils, enzymes and amino acids extracted from real bait fish, so any lure will smell and taste genuine, turning your line into a virtual snack machine.There are many ways to apply the Bio edge to lures, and TackleDirect will help you determine the best one for you. We have fish attractant potion oils, sprays and wands that contain the scents of dozens of different bait fish that your quarry craves. BioEdge has even expanded into freeze-dried baits for when live bait isn't available. Order today and watch fish chomp down!