Shop Beast Coast Fishing

Shop Beast Coast Fishing
Whether you fish competitively or just for fun, if you want to coax more strikes from big bass, Beast Coast Fishing lures should be in your arsenal. TackleDirect carries a big selection of this company's jigs, swimbaits and soft plastics. They can trigger bites from reluctant largemouths when all other approaches fail.Our Beast Coast selection includes flipping jigs and dragging jigs that can help you reach the wiliest largemouth without getting hung up. Choose from a variety of colors that include natural hues that mimic prey like crawdads. Other options include wilder and crazier designs bound to make any bass bite.
We also carry lots of Beastly soft baits. These include fish-like swimbaits that mimic alewives, shad and other common swimming prey. They will prompt savage hits from big bass and other predators. You can also find soft-plastic lures that are as popular with big bass as lobster is with people.