Sea Eagle Inflatable Motormount Boat

Hundreds of fishermen call our Motormount Boats the perfect fishing setup - the simple, reliable, no nonsense and MAINTENENCE FREE way to get out on the water.
Sea Eagle Motormount boats can take you, and all the gear you ever thought necessary. You can use these boats for fishing, camping, yacht tending, skin diving, river-running or pleasure cruising. It is still lightweight and portable enough for you to carry to nearby lakes and ponds. If you are a river running enthusiast, a Sea Eagle MotorMount Boat makes a roomy river raft for up to class three white water. Despite its large size, a Sea Eagle Motormount Boat is surprisingly easy to row, especially with two people rowing at the same time.
Best of all, a Sea Eagle Motormount Boat can literally motor all day on less than a gallon of gas. A small electric motor will also push this relatively light boat along quite well, so you can go on lakes which ban gas engines. Whatever way you choose to use a Sea Eagle Motormount Boat, you will find that it makes a great all-around boat that will give many years of pleasure and use with minimal upkeep and care necessary.