Saltwater Experience Tackle Zone - Season 16 - Episode 5: Everglades Triple Tail

Saltwater Experience Tackle Zone - Season 16 - Episode 5: Everglades Triple Tail
Our saltwater fishing TV shows include Saltwater Experience episodes where Capt. Tom Rowland and Capt. Rick Taylor target fish for food as well as for fun. In this Season 16 Episode 5 Saltwater Experience fishing show, the two captains look for tripletail between Flamingo and Cape Sable in Florida's Everglades National Park.Using light-tackle spinning gear and fly rods, the veteran Florida fishermen are looking to have some fun with these frisky fishies. But they are also interested in bringing one home for dinner, thanks to the tripletail's reputation as a delicious fish dish.
Triple Trouble
Fishing close to shore in their flats skiff, Taylor and Rowland spot random tripletail floating on the water's surface. They look like sea wrack or, in one of the anglers' descriptions, like "black garbage bags."Using artificials like flies and a 4" Berkley Gulp!, the pair catch a steady stream of tripletail. But none meets Florida's minimum size requirement of 18".
As in all the best saltwater fishing shows, however, persistence pays off. As a menacing Florida thunderstorm approaches, Rowland spots a big tripletail on the surface and puts his fly right in the strike zone.
You can fish just like the experts you see on these saltwater fishing shows online. Saltwater Experience outfitters like TackleDirect can get you everything these fishing pros use for tripletail fishing, from Daiwa J-Braid Grand line to St. Croix fishing rods.