DryCASE Waterproof Cases and Accessories

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DryCASE Waterproof Cases and Accessories were created with the same quality Dry Corp has used to in creating their very successful line of medical products. Dry Corp has over 10 years of experience in the medical industry. They started out by providing high quality surgical rubber sleeve that fits over casts, bandages, Ostomies, PICC lines and prosthetics, offering complete waterproof protection. Its patented vacuum seal assures that a cast or bandage will remain dry, even when submerged in water. The gang at Dry Corp figured if the vacuum seal could keep an important surgery site, cast or PICC line dry they would be able to use the same technology on electronics.DryCASE Waterproof Cases and Accessories are truly waterproof. The vacuum seal takes all the air out of the case so there is no way that water can enter. There can be no exchange of gas (air) for liquid (water). The vacuum seal also allows full use of your touch screen because it seal flush on the face of the phone.