Betts Castnet DVD The Art of Castnet Throwing

Betts Castnet DVD The Art of Castnet Throwing"

Price: $19.99
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The Art of Castnet Throwing
60-minute video teaches you step-by-step a quick and easy way to fold and throw any size or type of castnet.
$19.99 USD
Castnetting is often the only way to get the fresh, lively bait needed to compete in off-shore tournaments, or for a successful day of recreational fishing.

The Art of Castnet Throwing is an exciting, new 60-minute video that teaches any fisherman, regardless of height, a quick and easy way to fold and throw any size or type of castnet.

You'll learn step-by-step the basic principles of castnet throwing. Then you'll move into the practical application of your newfound skill with scenes and techniques that include: shrimping, castnetting for mullet and for any type of baitfish.
5 Stars based on 2 reviews
By Bill C.
Linden tn
cast net video
August 9, 2013
Very good net video. Watched a few times and now and expert.
By Roger
Newark, DE
Castnet Throwing
February 23, 2013
It is very helpful for me to better understand how to throw & catch bait fish before I go fishing. The fresh fish bait is so much better for catching fish than buying bait fish & CHEEPER!!!!
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