Berkley Gulp! Saltwater Bulky Hawg - Motor Oil

Berkley Gulp! Saltwater Bulky Hawg - Motor Oil

Price: $6.99
TD Code
DescriptionLengthQty. Per PackColorPrice
Gulp! Bulky Hawg3in10Motor Oil$6.99 USD

Infused with Berkley's legendary Gulp! scented formula, the Berkley Gulp! Saltwater Bulky Hawg is a fantastic imitator of a small bottom hopping crustacean such as a shrimp, small crab, or crawfish. The Bulky Hawg features a plethora of appendages that flap and flutter through the water to draw attention and induce strikes from hungry game fish. Perfect for use on a jig head or Carolina rig, the Bulky Hawg is deadly for a variety of inshore species that feed on small crustaceans such as flounder, redfish, speckled trout, and more.

Berkley Gulp! Saltwater baits are made from natural ingredients that release 400 times more scent than plastic baits. Specially formulated for ocean game fish, Berkley's Gulp! Saltwater scented formula is so potent it can actually outfish live bait! As an added bonus, all Gulp! Saltwater products are 100% biodegradable for a cleaner environment and healthier fishery. Stock up on a full selection of Gulp! Saltwater baits and you’ll experience more action than ever! They all look, smell, and move just like the real thing.

4 Stars based on 1 reviews
By Joe
Medford, NJ
Good action
April 1, 2020
I bought this lure because it looked a lot like a freshwater trailer for jigs which work really well for freshwater. I purchased this bait and It has great scent and action when rigged on a bucktail.
  • Action
  • Design
  • Scent

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